
  • The M.Com course at our college aims at nurturing PG students into becoming keen, analytical thinkers, serving the long term interests of business and economy. The course proposes to expose the students to the best practices in each subject and enable them to absorb the same. The intent of the course is to build subject competencies in the students   and to prepare them for challenging professional careers with an emphasis on core Indian values and ethical practices


  • The broad objective of the Master of Commerce course is to impart to the students professional education and training in various aspects of business and its environment, and to provide them with opportunities to develop managerial and analytical skills



I Semester - 1.1 Strategic Management

1.2 Macro-Economics for Business Decisions

1.3 Quantitative Techniques

1.4 Management Information Systems

1.5 Advanced Financial Management

1.6 Human Resource Management

1.7 SOFT CORE Business Analytics & SQL

  • To enhance the knowledge on strategy formulations, Strategy implementations, evaluation procedures, New Business Models

  • Knowledge imparted on key macro-economic variables and their behaviour, and enable them to critically evaluate different economies

  • To enable students to integrate macroeconomic analysis into business decisions

  • The students shall become managerial decisions with the application of statistical tools

  • The students will become familiar to the skills to design and implement simple computer-based business and audit information systems

  • Evaluating the Complex investment proposals and analyse the company’s performance and give appropriate recommendations

  • The students shall be capable of applying the principles and techniques as professionals for developing & managing human resources in an organization

  • The students shall have better insights on how to identify, recruit, develop and retain talent in an organization to deliver high performance

  • To sharpen the Analytical skills involved in Decision making

  • To enable students to query databases
At the end of the three year program in History the students will able to:
  • Gains complete knowledge about all fundamental aspects of emerging areas likeE-Business, Management Information system and Business Analytics

  • Understands the background of Monetary system in India and Macro-economics to apply in Decision-making process and trends in B2B marketing, Statistical Analysis in Research

  • Appreciates the importance of Taxation in Indian context by learning Direct Taxes and Planning and Goods & Services Tax and Customs Law

  • Gains overall knowledge about Commodity exchanges and trading in Stock Market and Portfolio Management and the intricacies of International Finance

  • Gathers attention about idea generation for research, Review of literature, Data collection methods, drafting research reports and insights about the various fields of research in Commerce.

  • Learns about the potentials of Ind-AS, Companies Act, 2013 and Corporate Valuation in Mergers and Acquisitions, etc.

  • Carry out assignments in the various aspects of Risk Management, Retail Banking, Corporate banking, Asset -Liability Management of Banks in India and their operations in detail.

II Semester - 2.1 Monetary System

2.2 Risk Management

2.3 E – Business

2.4 Business Research Methods

2.5 Operations Research

2.6 Business Marketing

2.7 OFT CORE Supply Chain Management

  • The students will learn domestic and international monetary systems, principles & systems of note issue and issues relating to conversion of currencies

  • Provide knowledge of risk, type of risks and tools of risk management

  • Provide technical framework to understand the emerging world of e-Business

  • Gain an understanding of the rapidly changing technology and business models

  • To enable students to do a research consultancy project in the fourth semester and aid in further research

  • To impart knowledge in concepts and tools of OR and QT,

  • To learn the concepts of operations research applied in business decision making

  • To impart knowledge in concepts and tools of OR and QT,

  • To learn the concepts of operations research applied in business decision making

  • Able to analyse the importance of Supply Chain Management and major decisions in supply chain management for gaining competitive advantage

III Semester - 3.1 Commodity Markets (Common Core Subject)

3.2 A.1 Corporate Financial Reporting (Accounting &Taxation specialisation)

3.2 F.1 Financial Markets & Services (Finance &Banking specialisation)

3.3 A.2 Accounting for Managerial Decisions (Accounting &Taxation specialisation)

3.3 F.2 Personal Financial Planning & Wealth Management (Finance &Banking specialisation)

3.4 A.3 Strategic Cost Management (Accounting &Taxation specialisation)

3.4 F.3 International Financial Management (Finance &Banking specialisation)

3.5 A.4 Direct Tax Planning (Accounting &Taxation specialisation)

3.5 F.4 Retail Banking (Finance &Banking specialisation)

3.6 Open Elective: – Banking & Finance

  • Learn how to read & analyse market reports, fundamental statistics, seasonal patterns in order to find the right commodity and the right market condition and

  • Understand the benefits of hedging with futures

  • Understand basic trading principles

  • Gain expert knowledge to analyse financial statements and to familiarize with recent developments in the area of financial reporting

  • Gain ability to solve financial reporting and valuation problems

  • To provide the basic knowledge about the Finance concepts, markets and various services

  • To learn adequate information about the roles of intermediaries and its regulating bodies and prevailing financial system in India

  • To enable students to apply cost accounting theory in management decision making process

  • To have understanding on the Time Value of Money, Insurance, Taxation, Investment, Estate & Retirement Planning

  • To expose the students to the internal environment of business

  • to enable them to formulate strategies relating to cost

  • To expose the students to acquire skills in International Financial Management and managing finances of an International business

  • To learn the practical aspects of tax planning as managerial decision-making process

  • To make the students to real life situations involving tax and tax-sensitive decisions

  • Working knowledge of Products & Services offered by banks for their customers

  • To provide the students a practical financial knowledge

IV Semester - 4.1 Goods & Services Tax (Common Core subject)

4.2 Financial Analytics

4.3 A.5 Corporate reporting practices and Ind AS (Accounting &Taxation specialisation)

4.3 F.5 Corporate Banking (Finance & Banking specialisation)

4.4 A.6 Accounting for Services (Accounting &Taxation specialisation)

4.4 F.6 Securities Analysis & Portfolio Management (Finance &Banking specialisation)

4.5 A.7 Corporate Valuation (Accounting &Taxation specialisation)

4.5 F.7 Banking Operations Management (Finance &Banking specialisation)

4.6 Dissertation

  • To provide students with a working knowledge of principles and provisions of GST & Customs Law

  • To facilitate in-depth understanding of being able to collect and organize financial data, analyse and present financial information and finally to take financial decisions

  • Introducing students to visualization of reports and graphs using R and Excel

  • To facilitate in-depth understanding of being able to collect and organize financial data,

  • analyse and present financial information and finally to take financial decisions

  • Learn to deal with corporate and personal customers, discussing their financial requirements, and providing appropriate financial advice

  • The other corporate services like mergers, acquisitions, capital markets etc. repairing lending agreements

  • To Provide the understanding of Services based organizations – define and differentiate, Financial reporting for non-profit NGOs, regulatory and other requirements

  • Understand the basic structure of financial statements and how they relate to each other

  • To understand the nuances of stock market operations

  • To understand the techniques involved in deciding upon purchase or sale of securities

  • To understand corporate valuation and valuation process

  • To familiarize with the standard techniques of corporate valuation

  • To apply knowledge in order to explain banking services; as well in remote payment settlements

  • To process banking payments, carry out a detailed customer analysis and assess banking customers’ creditworthiness

  • To sharpen the research-oriented skills, application of theory in practice in teaching as well as in corporates

  • To improve the report preparation and communication skills
  • I Semester - 1.1

  • 1.2 Macro-
    Economics for
    Business Decisions

  • 1.3 Quantitative

  • 1.4 Management

  • 1.5 Advanced

  • 1.6 Human Resource

  • 1.7 SOFT CORE
    Business Analytics
    & SQL
  • To enhance the
    knowledge on
    strategy formulations,
    procedures, New
    Business Models

  • Knowledge
    imparted on key
    variables and their
    behaviour, and
    enable them to
    critically evaluate
    different economies

  • To enable students
    to integrate
    analysis into
    business decisions

  • The students shall
    become managerial
    decisions with the
    application of
    statistical tools

  • The students will
    become familiar to
    the skills to design
    and implement
    simple computer-
    based business and
    audit information

  • Evaluating the
    proposals and
    analyse the
    performance and
    give appropriate

  • The students shall
    be capable of
    applying the
    principles and
    techniques as
    professionals for
    developing &
    managing human
    resources in an

  • The students shall
    have better insights
    on how to identify,
    recruit, develop and
    retain talent in an
    organization to
    deliver high

  • To sharpen the
    Analytical skills
    involved in Decision

  • To enable
    students to query
  • II Semester - 
    2.1 Monetary System

  • 2.2 Risk

  • 2.3 E – Business

  • 2.4 Business
    Research Methods

  • 2.5 Operations

  • 2.6 Business

  • 2.7 OFT CORE
    Supply Chain
  • The students will
    learn domestic
    and international
    monetary systems,
    principles & systems
    of note issue and
    issues relating to
    conversion of

  • Provide knowledge
    of risk, type of risks
    and tools of risk

  • Provide technical
    framework to
    understand the
    emerging world of

  • Gain an
    understanding of
    the rapidly
    technology and
    business models

  • To enable
    students to do a
    project in the fourth
    semester and aid in
    further research

  • To impart
    knowledge in
    concepts and tools
    of OR and QT,

  • To learn the
    concepts of
    operations research
    applied in business
    decision making

  • To impart
    knowledge in
    concepts and tools
    of OR and QT,

  • To learn the
    concepts of
    operations research
    applied in business
    decision making

  • Able to analyse the
    importance of
    Supply Chain
    Management and
    major decisions in
    supply chain
    management for
    gaining competitive
  • III Semester -
    3.1 Commodity
    Markets (Common
    Core Subject)

  • 3.2 A.1 Corporate
    Financial Reporting
    (Accounting &

  • Financial Markets &
    Services (Finance
    & Banking

  • 3.3 A.2 Accounting
    for Managerial
    (Accounting &

  • 3.3 F.2 Personal
    Financial Planning
    & Wealth
    (Finance & Banking

  • 3.4 A.3 Strategic
    Cost Management
    (Accounting &

  • International
    (Finance & Banking

  • 3.5 A.4 Direct Tax
    (Accounting &

  • 3.5 F.4 Retail
    Banking (Finance &

  • 3.6 Open Elective: –
    Banking & Finance
  • Learn how to read &
    analyse market
    statistics, seasonal
    patterns in order to
    find the right
    commodity and the
    right market
    condition and

  • Understand the
    benefits of hedging
    with futures

  • Understand basic
    trading principles

  • Gain expert
    knowledge to
    analyse financial
    statements and to
    familiarize with
    recent developments
    in the area of
    financial reporting

  • Gain ability to solve
    financial reporting
    and valuation

  • To provide the basic
    knowledge about
    the Finance
    concepts, markets
    and various services

  • To learn adequate
    information about
    the roles of
    intermediaries and
    its regulating
    bodies and
    prevailing financial
    system in India

  • To enable students
    to apply cost
    accounting theory
    in management
    decision making

  • To have
    understanding on
    the Time Value of
    Money, Insurance,
    Investment, Estate
    & Retirement

  • To expose the
    students to the
    environment of

  • to enable them to
    formulate strategies
    relating to cost

  • To expose the
    students to acquire
    skills in
    Management and
    managing finances
    of an International

  • To learn the
    practical aspects of
    tax planning as
    managerial decision
    -making process

  • To make the
    students to real life
    situations involving
    tax and tax-
    sensitive decisions

  • Working knowledge
    of Products &
    Services offered by
    banks for their

  • To provide the
    students a practical
    financial knowledge
  • IV Semester - 4.1 Goods & Services Tax (Common Core subject)

  • 4.2 Financial Analytics

  • 4.3 A.5 Corporate reporting practices and Ind AS (Accounting &Taxation specialisation)

  • 4.3 F.5 Corporate Banking (Finance & Banking specialisation)

  • 4.4 A.6 Accounting for Services (Accounting &Taxation specialisation)

  • 4.4 F.6 Securities Analysis & Portfolio Management (Finance &Banking specialisation)

  • 4.5 A.7 Corporate Valuation (Accounting &Taxation specialisation)

  • 4.5 F.7 Banking Operations Management (Finance &Banking specialisation)

  • 4.6 Dissertation
  • To provide students with a working knowledge of principles and provisions of GST & Customs Law

  • To facilitate in-depth understanding of being able to collect and organize financial data, analyse and present financial information and finally to take financial decisions

  • Introducing students to visualization of reports and graphs using R and Excel

  • To facilitate in-depth understanding of being able to collect and organize financial data,

  • analyse and present financial information and finally to take financial decisions

  • Learn to deal with corporate and personal customers, discussing their financial requirements, and providing appropriate financial advice

  • The other corporate services like mergers, acquisitions, capital markets etc. repairing lending agreements

  • To Provide the understanding of Services based organizations – define and differentiate, Financial reporting for non-profit NGOs, regulatory and other requirements

  • Understand the basic structure of financial statements and how they relate to each other

  • To understand the nuances of stock market operations

  • To understand the techniques involved in deciding upon purchase or sale of securities

  • To understand corporate valuation and valuation process

  • To familiarize with the standard techniques of corporate valuation

  • To apply knowledge in order to explain banking services; as well in remote payment settlements

  • To process banking payments, carry out a detailed customer analysis and assess banking customers’ creditworthiness

  • To sharpen the research-oriented skills, application of theory in practice in teaching as well as in corporates

  • To improve the report preparation and communication skills
At the end of the three year programthe students will able to:
  • Gains complete knowledge about all fundamental aspects of emerging areas likeE-Business, Management Information system and Business Analytics

  • Understands the background of Monetary system in India and Macro-economics to apply in Decision-making process and trends in B2B marketing, Statistical Analysis in Research

  • Appreciates the importance of Taxation in Indian context by learning Direct Taxes and Planning and Goods & Services Tax and Customs Law

  • Gains overall knowledge about Commodity exchanges and trading in Stock Market and Portfolio Management and the intricacies of International Finance

  • Gathers attention about idea generation for research, Review of literature, Data collection methods, drafting research reports and insights about the various fields of research in Commerce.

  • Learns about the potentials of Ind-AS, Companies Act, 2013 and Corporate Valuation in Mergers and Acquisitions, etc.

  • Carry out assignments in the various aspects of Risk Management, Retail Banking, Corporate banking, Asset -Liability Management of Banks in India and their operations in detail.


Mrs. Madhuri S D

Assistant Professor

M.Com, MBA

Ms. Krishika

Assistant Professor