

The office of the controller of examinations is supported by a collaborative team consisting of the principal, the examination core team, the assistant section administrator, and the dedicated supporting staff. Together, they ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of examination processes, underscoring the commitment to academic excellence within the institution.

  • The examination committee frames rules and regulations for the conduct and evaluation of examinations, which are then presented to the academic council and governing body for their perusal and approval
  • The office of the controller of examinations schedules and conducts mid-semester examinations and end-semester examinations for all undergraduate and postgraduate students. It also facilitates Board of Examination meetings every semester and is responsible for the generation of question papers, valuation, tabulation, announcing results, and the issue of mark cards, transcripts, and provisional degree certificates
  • The office of the controller of examinations also maintains all records about examinations and conducts the college convocation every year


Ms. Shilpa P M.Sc., M.Phil. (Ph.D.)
Email : coe.nmkrv@rvei.edu.in
Ph : 080 6901-8999
Visiting hours : 2pm to 4 pm (Monday to Friday)
Ms. Jyothi R Aiyangar M.Com., PGDFM
Assistant Professor – Commerce

Ms. Ashwini S M.A,
Assistant Professor – History

Ms. Roopashree
Assistant Professor – Commerce
Ms. Bindhya M, MCA
Assistant Professor – Computer Applications

The following are the examination rules and regulations for students:

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

  • The pass marks for CIA in each subject are 40% of the maximum marks assigned

Mid-Semester Examinations (MSE)

  • MSE will be conducted 8 weeks or 2 months after the commencement of each semester. The exams are conducted for theory subjects. The duration for MSE is 90 minutes. No re-exam will be conducted for the absentees

End-Semester Examinations (ESE)

  • ESE will be held for both theory and practical subjects. Exams for all the subjects will be of 3 hours duration. The office of COE will frame the timetable for the end-of-semester theory examinations. The respective departments will frame the timetable for practical examinations. The minimum pass mark for each subject is 40% of the maximum mark. The COE will preserve all the answer scripts for ESE for six months

Examination Conduct Rules

  • Centralised exams will be held for both MSE and ESE
  • A QR code or barcode will be given for the identification of the candidates for ESE and to ensure maximum confidentiality in valuation
  • Candidates should not write their name or registration number anywhere on answer booklets or additional sheets and should adhere to the guidelines given by the invigilators
  • Strict action will be taken against students for malpractice
  • A centralised valuation will be conducted for ESE

Supplementary and Fast-track Examinations:

  • Supplementary exams for UG programmes will be conducted each session (ODD/EVEN) across all semesters
  • Supplementary exams for odd-semester subjects will be conducted during the ESE for the odd semester and during the ESE for the even semester
  • The attempt number will be mentioned on the scorecard
  • Repeaters after four attempts will have to answer the question paper framed as on the current syllabus
  • Fast-track examinations will be conducted only for the VI semester (UG). Students who have cleared all the subjects from the I to V semesters are eligible to take the fast-track exam
  • Upon immediate request to the COE, special supplementary examinations will be arranged for students who have either failed in a single paper or were unable to appear for one paper in a subject during that semester


  • Revaluation requests should be made within 10 days after the announcement of ESE results
  • Upon request, a photocopy of the answer scripts can be obtained for the respective semester
  • Fees will be collected for photocopying, revaluation, and challenge valuation
  • Improvement examinations will be conducted for eligible students of VI semester UG


  • The college under the autonomous scheme, frames the guidelines for attendance requirements
  • Attendance shall be considered semester-wise only
  • 75% of attendance is mandatory on each paper to write the end-of-semester examinations
  • If the attendance of a student in a semester is less than 40%, she will not be permitted to take that semester’s examination. (The working days for a semester will be 90 days.)
  • Students representing the college in various activities should get bona fide certificates from the staff in charge to get an advantage in attendance. (When calculating the attendance percentage of the students representing the college in NCC, sports, and other activities, due consideration will be given to the days when they represented the college)
  • Students who have less than 75% attendance on grounds of illness or involvement in extracurricular activities will have to seek consent from the principal by producing valid documents
  • In case of illness, a student must submit a doctor’s medical certificate and related documents along with the application for leave. A leave application must be submitted within three days of the student’s absence. (The submission of a leave application in itself will not suffice for obtaining consent)

Examination Scheme

  • Choice-based credit system (UG & PG)
  • Each course carries a certain number of credits. The results will be given in both percentages and SGPA
  • The CGPA will be used to determine the final results for the degree

Evaluation Criteria

Components of Evaluation


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA for all subjects are graded by the respective departments and the marks are submitted to the Office of COE by all departments at the end of each semester.
Three appraisal types for CIA are Attendance / Mid Semester Examinations / Other Internal Assessments.

Attendance grading (marks)

Percentage Marks
Above 75% to 80%
Above 80% to 85%
Above 85% to 90%
Above 90% to 95%
Above 95%

Mid Semester Exam

  • MSE is conducted for 35 marks (30 for BCom core papers) & 90 min duration
  • The marks scored will be scaled down to 10 (15 for BCom core papers)

Other Internal Assessments

  • Each department assess based on the tests / assignments / seminars / field visit / projects / paper presentation for 15 marks (10 for B.Com core papers)


Undergraduate Courses:

The following are the eligibility criteria for promotion to the next semester:

  • To be promoted to the third semester, students need to successfully pass a minimum of 50% of the subjects from both the first and second semesters, including both internal assessments and end-semester exams
  • To be promoted to the fifth semester, students need to successfully pass a minimum of 75% of the subjects from the first and second semesters and at least 75% of the subjects from the third and fourth semesters (both internal assessment and end-semester exams)
  • Students will be promoted seamlessly from the first to the second semester, the third to the fourth semester, and the fifth to the sixth semester
  • Students will be given a five-year window from the date of course enrollment to finish the programme i.e., two years from the completion of the three-year degree programme. In effect, students will have four attempts to complete the course after the third year


  • Supplementary examinations for undergraduate courses are held for both odd and even semesters during end semester examinations
  • Fast Track examinations for the sixth semester of undergraduate courses were introduced in 2015. These exams are held for sixth semester subjects only and the current year. Students who have cleared all papers from the first to fifth semesters are eligible to take up the Fast Track examination. Fast Track/Enhancement Examinations are conducted and results are declared before admission dates are announced by postgraduate institutions
  • Upon immediate request to the COE, special supplementary examinations will be conducted for students who either failed in a single paper or were unable to appear for one paper in a subject during even semesters
  • Improvement examinations for the sixth semester of undergraduate courses aim to enhance overall percentage. Eligibility is granted to students who have successfully cleared all semesters from the first to the fifth, achieving a minimum of 60%
  • Students can opt for a challenge valuation, where an external examiner evaluates their work in the presence of the board’s Chairperson and the student. To ensure fairness, different versions (A, B, C, and D) of question papers with shuffled multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are used. Additionally, there have been revisions to the eligibility criteria for promotion to the third year
  • Previously, students had to clear all subjects of the first year and 50% of the subjects of the second year. Now, students have to clear 75% of the subjects of the first year and 75% of the subjects of the second year
  • Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, examinations were seamlessly conducted online, employing auto proctoring through google forms and timer + proctor. The format of the question paper was multiple-choice based
  • The ERP software – Systems Applications and Products (SAP) – SLcM was implemented to manage the examination system



Ms. Pavithra B B.A

Ms. Visalakshi R B.Com

Ms. Shamatha K

Mr. Kousthubha C



The office of the controller of examinations is supported by a collaborative team consisting of the principal, the examination core team, the assistant section administrator, and the dedicated supporting staff. Together, they ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of examination processes, underscoring the commitment to academic excellence within the institution.

  • The examination committee frames rules and regulations for the conduct and evaluation of examinations, which are then presented to the academic council and governing body for their perusal and approval
  • The office of the controller of examinations schedules and conducts mid-semester examinations and end-semester examinations for all undergraduate and postgraduate students. It also facilitates Board of Examination meetings every semester and is responsible for the generation of question papers, valuation, tabulation, announcing results, and the issue of mark cards, transcripts, and provisional degree certificates
  • The office of the controller of examinations also maintains all records about examinations and conducts the college convocation every year


Ms. Shilpa P M.Sc., M.Phil. (Ph.D.)
Email : coe.nmkrv@rvei.edu.in
Ph : 080 6901-8999
Visiting hours : 2pm to 4 pm (Monday to Friday)
Exam Core Team
Ms. Jyothi R Aiyangar M.Com., PGDFM
Assistant Professor – Commerce

Ms. Ashwini S M.A,
Assistant Professor – History

Ms. Roopashree
Assistant Professor – Commerce
Ms. Bindhya M, MCA
Assistant Professor – Computer Applications
Rules & Regulations

The following are the examination rules and regulations for students:

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

  • The pass marks for CIA in each subject are 40% of the maximum marks assigned

Mid-Semester Examinations (MSE)

  • MSE will be conducted 8 weeks or 2 months after the commencement of each semester. The exams are conducted for theory subjects. The duration for MSE is 90 minutes. No re-exam will be conducted for the absentees

End-Semester Examinations (ESE)

  • ESE will be held for both theory and practical subjects. Exams for all the subjects will be of 3 hours duration. The office of COE will frame the timetable for the end-of-semester theory examinations. The respective departments will frame the timetable for practical examinations. The minimum pass mark for each subject is 40% of the maximum mark. The COE will preserve all the answer scripts for ESE for six months

Examination Conduct Rules

  • Centralised exams will be held for both MSE and ESE
  • A QR code or barcode will be given for the identification of the candidates for ESE and to ensure maximum confidentiality in valuation
  • Candidates should not write their name or registration number anywhere on answer booklets or additional sheets and should adhere to the guidelines given by the invigilators
  • Strict action will be taken against students for malpractice
  • A centralised valuation will be conducted for ESE

Supplementary and Fast-track Examinations:

  • Supplementary exams for UG programmes will be conducted each session (ODD/EVEN) across all semesters
  • Supplementary exams for odd-semester subjects will be conducted during the ESE for the odd semester and during the ESE for the even semester
  • The attempt number will be mentioned on the scorecard
  • Repeaters after four attempts will have to answer the question paper framed as on the current syllabus
  • Fast-track examinations will be conducted only for the VI semester (UG). Students who have cleared all the subjects from the I to V semesters are eligible to take the fast-track exam
  • Upon immediate request to the COE, special supplementary examinations will be arranged for students who have either failed in a single paper or were unable to appear for one paper in a subject during that semester


  • Revaluation requests should be made within 10 days after the announcement of ESE results
  • Upon request, a photocopy of the answer scripts can be obtained for the respective semester
  • Fees will be collected for photocopying, revaluation, and challenge valuation
  • Improvement examinations will be conducted for eligible students of VI semester UG


  • The college under the autonomous scheme, frames the guidelines for attendance requirements
  • Attendance shall be considered semester-wise only
  • 75% of attendance is mandatory on each paper to write the end-of-semester examinations
  • If the attendance of a student in a semester is less than 40%, she will not be permitted to take that semester’s examination. (The working days for a semester will be 90 days.)
  • Students representing the college in various activities should get bona fide certificates from the staff in charge to get an advantage in attendance. (When calculating the attendance percentage of the students representing the college in NCC, sports, and other activities, due consideration will be given to the days when they represented the college)
  • Students who have less than 75% attendance on grounds of illness or involvement in extracurricular activities will have to seek consent from the principal by producing valid documents
  • In case of illness, a student must submit a doctor’s medical certificate and related documents along with the application for leave. A leave application must be submitted within three days of the student’s absence. (The submission of a leave application in itself will not suffice for obtaining consent)
Evalution Criteria

Examination Scheme

  • Choice-based credit system (UG & PG)
  • Each course carries a certain number of credits. The results will be given in both percentages and SGPA
  • The CGPA will be used to determine the final results for the degree

Evaluation Criteria

Components of Evaluation


Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA for all subjects are graded by the respective departments and the marks are submitted to the Office of COE by all departments at the end of each semester.
Three appraisal types for CIA are Attendance / Mid Semester Examinations / Other Internal Assessments.

Attendance grading (marks)

Percentage Marks
Above 75% to 80%
Above 80% to 85%
Above 85% to 90%
Above 90% to 95%
Above 95%

Mid Semester Exam

  • MSE is conducted for 35 marks (30 for BCom core papers) & 90 min duration
  • The marks scored will be scaled down to 10 (15 for BCom core papers)

Other Internal Assessments

  • Each department assess based on the tests / assignments / seminars / field visit / projects / paper presentation for 15 marks (10 for B.Com core papers)
Promotion Criteria


Undergraduate Courses:

The following are the eligibility criteria for promotion to the next semester:

  • To be promoted to the third semester, students need to successfully pass a minimum of 50% of the subjects from both the first and second semesters, including both internal assessments and end-semester exams
  • To be promoted to the fifth semester, students need to successfully pass a minimum of 75% of the subjects from the first and second semesters and at least 75% of the subjects from the third and fourth semesters (both internal assessment and end-semester exams)
  • Students will be promoted seamlessly from the first to the second semester, the third to the fourth semester, and the fifth to the sixth semester
  • Students will be given a five-year window from the date of course enrollment to finish the programme i.e., two years from the completion of the three-year degree programme. In effect, students will have four attempts to complete the course after the third year


  • Examination Application form for PG Freshers
  • Examination Application form for PG Repeaters
  • Examination Application form for UG – Freshers
  • Examination Application form for UG – Repeaters
  • Fast Track Application forms
Examination Reforms


  • Supplementary examinations for undergraduate courses are held for both odd and even semesters during end semester examinations
  • Fast Track examinations for the sixth semester of undergraduate courses were introduced in 2015. These exams are held for sixth semester subjects only and the current year. Students who have cleared all papers from the first to fifth semesters are eligible to take up the Fast Track examination. Fast Track/Enhancement Examinations are conducted and results are declared before admission dates are announced by postgraduate institutions
  • Upon immediate request to the COE, special supplementary examinations will be conducted for students who either failed in a single paper or were unable to appear for one paper in a subject during even semesters
  • Improvement examinations for the sixth semester of undergraduate courses aim to enhance overall percentage. Eligibility is granted to students who have successfully cleared all semesters from the first to the fifth, achieving a minimum of 60%
  • Students can opt for a challenge valuation, where an external examiner evaluates their work in the presence of the board’s Chairperson and the student. To ensure fairness, different versions (A, B, C, and D) of question papers with shuffled multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are used. Additionally, there have been revisions to the eligibility criteria for promotion to the third year
  • Previously, students had to clear all subjects of the first year and 50% of the subjects of the second year. Now, students have to clear 75% of the subjects of the first year and 75% of the subjects of the second year
  • Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, examinations were seamlessly conducted online, employing auto proctoring through google forms and timer + proctor. The format of the question paper was multiple-choice based
  • The ERP software – Systems Applications and Products (SAP) – SLcM was implemented to manage the examination system




Ms. Pavithra B B.A

Ms. Visalakshi R B.Com

Ms. Shamatha K

Mr. Kousthubha C