21st century, school education in India has been witnessing a paradigm shift from product to process based approaches and mastery to development of competencies. School education is also expected to prepare children for global citizenship. In view of addressing these contemporary demands, professional preparation of teachers providing adequate time for the development of teacher skills is important. NCF -2005 articulated the need for connecting knowledge to learner’s life outside the school, facilitating learner in knowledge construction, creating a fear free atmosphere, addressing diversity and inclusion, equity and quality. Teacher Education programmes need to be  develop reflective teachers who are competent, motivated and confident, knowledgeable, content area and pedagogy they teach. They should understand how to plan to teach,  and should  be able to engage students interactively and inclusively.


  • Integrated Teacher Education programme namely B.A BEd. and B.Sc. BEd. (primary and secondary education is designed to meet the needs of professional teachers for pre-primary, primary, upper primary and secondary level of school education.

  • The 4years integrated Teacher Education programme aims at enabling the student teacher to develop knowledge and perform competencies in disciplinary subjects.

  • Understand the nuances of child psychology and how children learn.

  • Familiarize the pedagogical approaches suitable for teaching at primary/secondary school children.

  • Get acquainted with the content and pedagogical aspects of the teaching learning process suitable for pre-primary, secondary level children.

  • Enhance the skill of communication

  • Appreciate and apply the latest approach such as the constructivist approach to teaching learning

  • Adopt innovative strategies in classroom process.

  • Address issue related to natural resources and promote eco-friendly practices and sustainability

  • Develop and use low cost/no cost learning materials in classroom transaction.

  • Get functional familiarity with ICT and use it as a teaching learning tool.

  • Become effective teachers at primary/seco0ndary level by imbibing appropriate professional values.
NCF 2005 articulated the need for connecting knowledge to teacher’s life outside the school, facilitating learner in knowledge construction, creating a fear free atmosphere, addressing diversity and inclusion, equity and quality.

This course will offer upward mobility to the student teacher both academically and professionally. After completing B.A BEd. / B.Sc.BEd. student teacher working in primary school may wish to begin teaching at the upper primary or secondary level.To reorient the system of teacher education in accordance with the vision of Justice Verma Commission (JVC), (NCTE) revisited its regulations and norms and standards for various Teacher Education programmes and notified new regulations on 1st December, 2014. As per the regulations 2014 the duration of the BEd. and M.Ed. programmes has been enhanced from one year to two years, and the 4year integrated B.A BEd./ B.Sc. BEd. programme has been made a mainstream programme of teachers education. The proposed integrated course emphasizes upon preparing two sets of teacher separately one for pre-primary and primary level and the second for upper primary and secondary levels.


BSc Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics

The graduates of BSc PCM will be able to:

  • Acquire theoretical as well as practical knowledge in Physics Chemistry and Mathematics.
  • Create strong interest and background in basic Science and Mathematics.
  • Develop scientific temper and thus can prove to be more beneficial for the society as the scientific developments can make a nation or society to grow at a rapid pace.
  • Pursue multi and inter-disciplinary science careers in future.
  • Pursue career in Armed Forces, Civil Services and MNC’s.

BSc Chemistry Botany and Zoology

The graduates of BSc CBZ will be able to:

  • Explain the basic concepts, fundamental principles, and the scientific theories related to Chemistry, Zoology, and Botany and apply the scientific phenomenon and their relevance to day-to-day life.
  • Acquire knowledge and information on identification of various plants and animals.
  • Review  the scientific literature and understand the research work going on in Basic Sciences.
  • Confidently write competitive exams for postgraduate courses.



Dr. Lokesh T N

Assistant Professor

M.Sc.,M.Ed.,M.Phil., P.G.DHE.,UGC-SET., Ph.D(DUK)., Ph.D(BUB).,

Dr. Sharangouda

Assistant Professor

M.Sc., B.Ed., Ph.D

Mrs. Ashwini Nagaraj

Assistant Professor

M.Sc., B.Ed.,