Authors are invited to send the abstract of their original research for oral/poster presentation.
Instruction for preparing abstract and poster:
Abstract of the manuscript should be sent electronically and it should be prepared in MS word, Times New Roman, 12 font, 1.5-line spacing with maximum of 300 words. The title should be as short as possible and the authors names with initials and affiliations should appear below the tittle. Five to six key words are preferred for each abstract.
Submit the abstract to Email - tccms2025.nmkrv@rvei.edu.in
A space of 1 * 1.5 mts will be provided for each posters, the poster should contain title, (90 pt, bold type and affiliation 40 pt italic type followed by short introduction, materials and methods, results and conclusion. The table/ figures and footnotes should be 24 pt and 20 pt size respectively.
(Size:4ft Height, 3ft Width) Best oral and poster presentations will be awarded with attractive cash prizes separately.

Fee Structure
Early bird Registration
On spot Registration
UG/ PG Students
Rs. 750/-
Rs. 1,000/-
Research Scholars
Rs. 1,000/-
Rs. 1,500/-
Rs. 1,500/-
Rs. 2,000/-
Industry Persons
Rs. 3,000/-
Rs. 3,500/-

- Dr. S Sampath
Professor & Chairman, Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, IISc Bangalore.
- Dr. N Jayaraman
Professor & Chairman, Department of Organic Chemistry, IISc Bangalore.
- Dr. Aninda J Bhattacharyya
Professor, Interdisciplinary Centre for Energy Research, IISc Bengaluru.
- Dr. Channabasaveshwar Yelamaggad
Professor, Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Science, Bengaluru
- Dr. Praveen C Ramamurthy
Professor, Department of Material Engineering, IISc Bangalore.
Nullam egestas venenatis turpis, non pellentesque dui hendrerit et. Mauris sodales lacus a enim maximus dapibus vel at erat. Vivamus vulputate sit amet tortor vel commodo. Aenean maximus malesuada magna sit amet facilisis. Vivamus in dapibus nibh, ac mollis arcu. Vivamus porttitor porta mauris, sit amet tristique sapien euismod eget. Quisque elit erat, varius vel leo et, lacinia congue orci. Sed nec tortor magna. Phasellus condimentum tellus leo, a pretium risus euismod vel.